As a midwife, I get a chance to take a small glimpse into the lives of mothers to some extent and what they do for their children. Having no children of my own, I don't understand the full concept of what it is to be a mother. I feel though that it gives me a “outside looking in” perspective. I have been able to observe mothers and mothering in many various aspects from family, to friends, and clients and just in our culture in general. If I am honest, mothers are my heroes. I really do feel that mothers are critical part to causing life change and influencing our world. Changing a diaper or wiping the face, or taking someone to soccer may seem insignificant in your mind or may become routine; but for a child it is the world because it is the future. The time that you take to read a book, to listen to a story they tell you even if it doesn't make sense, to pay attention to them in the small moments of life can impact them for life. It is so easy in the fast pace of life t...
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